I have been arrested for a serious felony, now what?

I have been arrested for a serious felony, now what?

I Have Been Arrested for a Serious Felony: What Do I Do?

Finding yourself arrested for a serious felony can be a daunting and stressful experience. The immediate moments following an arrest are crucial, and how you handle them can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Here are some steps to guide you through this challenging time:

Remain Calm: It’s natural to feel scared and overwhelmed, but remaining calm can help you think clearly and make better decisions.

Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent: As soon as you are arrested, you have the right to remain silent. Avoid discussing your case with anyone, including the police, until you have spoken to a lawyer.

Contact a Lawyer: One of the most important steps you can take is to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. They can provide you with legal advice tailored to your situation and help protect your rights.

Avoid Making Statements: Refrain from making any statements or admissions of guilt without consulting your lawyer. Anything you say can be used against you in court.

Cooperate Within Limits: While it’s essential to cooperate with law enforcement to some extent, always consult with your lawyer before answering any questions or providing information.

Remember, being arrested does not mean you are guilty. Everyone has the right to a fair trial and legal representation. By taking the right steps after your arrest, you can help build a strong defense and protect your rights.

Can I Talk to My Lawyer Before Answering Questions?

Yes, absolutely! You have the legal right to consult with a lawyer before answering any questions from law enforcement. This right is protected by the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees your right against self-incrimination.

Here’s why it’s crucial to talk to your lawyer before answering questions:

Protection of Rights: Your lawyer can help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the interrogation process.

Legal Advice: A lawyer can provide you with legal advice tailored to your situation and help you understand the potential consequences of your statements.

Avoid Self-Incrimination: Without legal guidance, you may unintentionally say something that could be used against you in court even if what you said didn’t necessairly align with what you meant. A lawyer can help you avoid making statements that could harm your case.

Preparation: Your lawyer can help you prepare for questioning, ensuring that you are well-equipped to handle any questions that may arise, no mater how tricky they are worded.

Always remember that your priority should be to protect your rights and your future. Consulting with a lawyer before speaking to law enforcement can help you make informed decisions and navigate the legal process effectively.

The Police Say They Want to Help Me, Should I Go Ahead and Talk to Them?

While it may seem like the police are trying to help you, it’s essential to remember that their primary goal is to gather evidence and build a case against you. Therefore, it’s crucial to approach interactions with law enforcement with caution.

Here are some points to consider before deciding to talk to the police:

Consult Your Lawyer: Before speaking to the police, always consult with your lawyer. They can provide you with advice on whether or not it’s in your best interest to cooperate.

Know Your Rights: You have the right to remain silent and the right to legal representation. Exercise these rights to protect yourself from self-incrimination.

Be Cautious: Even if the police claim they want to help you, avoid making any statements or admissions without first consulting your lawyer.

Avoid Making Deals: Law enforcement may try to make deals or promises to get you to cooperate. Be wary of these tactics and consult with your lawyer before agreeing to anything.

While it’s essential to cooperate with law enforcement to some extent, always prioritize protecting your rights and your future. Consulting with a lawyer before speaking to the police can help you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls that could harm your case. Remember, your lawyer is your advocate and can help guide you through the legal process effectively.

Anything you say can and will be used against you, is that correct?

Yes, that’s correct. One of the most important rights you have when interacting with law enforcement is the right to remain silent. It’s crucial to be aware that even seemingly harmless or innocent statements can potentially be twisted or taken out of context by prosecutors to build a case against you.

Is it true that if I ask a cop if they are lying, they have to answer honestly?

ABOULTELY NOT. Most people are astonished to learn that cops can lie to you. They can tell you they already have evidence that they do not have. They can tell you that someone has already told them what happened and that they have witnesses that have made statements against you even though it didn’t actually happen. Their job is to gather information by whatever means necessary, including telling you they are trying to help you. 

For more information on Criminal Law in North Carolina, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (704) 862-0148 today.

Your Guide to Expungement: Clearing Your Criminal Record

Your Guide to Expungement: Clearing Your Criminal Record

In December 2017, Governor Roy Cooper enacted Senate Bill 445, a new expungement law that took effect immediately. To assist you and the other 10 million North Carolina residents in understanding the implications of this new law, the expungement attorneys at the Neece Law Firm have compiled this guide to expungement law in North Carolina.

What has Changed?

One of the goals of the new law is to reduce the wait time to expunge non-violent misdemeanors and felony convictions. This way, the millions of NC residents with criminal convictions can clear their records faster. The most important components of the change are detailed below:

  • Misdemeanor convictions can now be expunged after 5 years instead of 15.
  • There is no more limit on how many dismissals can be expunged.
  • Felony convictions can now be expunged after 10 years instead of 15.
  • Prosecutors and law enforcement personnel will have access to all records.

Expunging a Criminal Record in NC

To expunge a criminal record in North Carolina, you must file your petition at the county courthouse where you were charged. You must fill out the specific AOC form that applies to you. The forms are based on your age, charge and outcome of the case, among other things.

In order to qualify for expungement, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have completed the necessary waiting period for the record you wish to expunge
  •  Settled all court-ordered fees and can provide evidence of payment
  • Must not be on parole or probation in any jurisdiction
  • No outstanding arrest warrants or criminal summonses against you
  • No active criminal cases
  • No pending criminal charges

Expunging a Felony Conviction in NC

If you face a felony charge in North Carolina, you may be eligible for dismissal or a not guilty verdict. Yet, if convicted, the waiting period varies based on the charge and your age. Generally, convictions for violent felonies are usually not eligible for expungement.

Expunging a Misdemeanor Conviction in NC

If you are charged with a misdemeanor in NC and it results in a non-guilty verdict, you are immediately eligible for expungement. If you are found guilty, the wait period for expungement depends on your age and the specific charge.

Expunging a DWI in NC

DWI convictions are excluded from the non-violent misdemeanor classification and are never eligible for expungement. If your DWI charge is dismissed or you achieve a non-guilty verdict, you are immediately eligible for expungement.

Expunging a Larceny Conviction in NC

Any non-guilty verdict results in immediate eligibility for expungement. However, if you are convicted of Misdemeanor Larceny in NC and you are over the age of 18, you are eligible for expungement 5 years after your conviction. If you are under the age of 18, you are eligible after 2 years.

Expunging a Drug Charge in NC

The new expungement law sets wait periods ranging from 12 months to 10 years based on the charge for individuals under 22 at the time of conviction. If your charge is dismissed, there’s no waiting period. Additionally, successfully completing the 90-96 program may make you immediately eligible.

Will expunged charges appear on a background check for jobs?

No, expunged charges will not show up. However, non-expunged charges and convictions, including dismissals, infractions, prayers for judgement, pending charges, and not guilty verdicts, will be visible on an employer’s background check.

How long is the expungement process in NC?

We typically see them take as little as 3 months but can take up to 12 months in North Carolina.

Where to file for expungement in NC

To expunge a charge or conviction in North Carolina, you need to file at the county courthouse where the charge was issued. For instance, if you were charged in Gaston County, you should submit your petition at the Gaston County Courthouse in Gastonia, NC.

Do I need a lawyer to expunge my record?

While not mandatory in NC, it’s highly recommended to have a lawyer handle your expungement. The process is intricate and time-consuming. You’ll need to file under the appropriate statute, complete the correct AOC form, and possibly appear in court. Any mistake can significantly delay an already lengthy process. It’s advisable to consult with an experienced expungement attorney before submitting your petition. They can review your case and navigate you through the process smoothly. Discover how the attorneys at Neece Law can assist with your record expungement.

Speak with an attorney today to file for expungement.

With over 20 years of legal experience in North Carolina, Neece Law Firm’s attorneys are ready to assist you in clearing your record and moving forward. If you’re eligible for expungement, reach out to us today to start the process.

For more information on Expungement in North Carolina, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (704) 862-0148 today.

Substantial Work In Mental Health And Substance Abuse

Substantial Work In Mental Health And Substance Abuse

Mental health affects every area of the law. Every day, it affects everything that we all do. You never know what issues someone woke up with. In our work, we try to be kind to everyone no matter where we are in our day.

Here in Gaston County, I have been personally involved with handling involuntary commitments for our county. I have been the only attorney appointed to handle these matters since 2014. As a result, among the court and my peers, I’ve become a respected voice on issues concerning mental health. I became passionate about mental health when I realized I had missed an opportunity to assist a friend in need when I was younger. At the time, I was too naïve to understand that they were sick. My involvement in mental health is a tribute to them because they’re no longer with us today.

Our firm will design a comprehensive legal plan that lays out goals and explicit timelines to assist our clients in regaining control over their lives. Our focus is first to get them physically healthy. Once they have regained a foothold there, we can work on mending broken relationships. Finally, we want to get an order from the court that recognizes the strides made to make deep behavioral changes.

For more information on Mental Health & Substance Abuse in NC, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (704) 862-0148 today.

Family Lawyer Dallas North Carolina

Your Trusted Family Law Attorneys In Dallas, NC

At Neece Law Firm, we understand that family law matters can be emotionally and financially draining. That’s why we’re here to make the process easy and stress-free. Our team of experienced attorneys specializes in family law matters, including divorce, child custody, and grandparent custody disputes. We’re here to provide personalized, compassionate, and effective legal representation to help you achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Divorce Lawyer In Dallas, NC

Divorce can be one of the most stressful and emotional experiences a person can endure. A knowledgeable and experienced divorce lawyer is essential. At Neece Law Firm, our attorneys are skilled in handling all types of divorce cases, including contested and uncontested divorces. We can assist with property division, alimony, child support, and other issues that may arise in a divorce. We understand the challenges that come with divorce and will work tirelessly to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

Child Custody Attorney In Dallas, NC

Child custody disputes can be the most contentious and emotionally draining of a divorce. If you’re going through a child custody dispute, having an experienced child custody attorney is essential to fight for your rights and your child’s best interests. At Neece Law Firm, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to handle even the most complex child custody cases. We can assist with child custody, visitation, child support, etc. We will work with you to develop a strong case strategy and fight for the best custody arrangement for you and your child.



Family law matters can be complicated and emotionally charged, requiring the help of a knowledgeable family lawyer. Whether you’re dealing with a child custody issue, divorce, or other family law matter, Neece Law Firm’s attorneys have the experience and knowledge to help you achieve the best possible outcome. We understand the nuances of North Carolina’s family laws and can guide you through the legal process. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized strategy that meets your unique needs and goals.

Grandparent Custody Lawyer In Dallas, NC

In some situations, grandparents may seek custody of their grandchildren due to a parent’s death, incapacity, or other circumstances. If you’re a grandparent seeking custody of your grandchild, having a grandparent custody lawyer on your side is important to help you navigate the legal system and fight for your rights. At Neece Law Firm, our attorneys are experienced in handling grandparent custody cases and will work tirelessly to help you achieve the best possible outcome for you and your grandchild. We can assist with grandparent visitation, custody, and more family law-related issues.

We Know What The Law Will Look For

If you’re dealing with a family law matter in North Carolina, it’s important to understand the state’s legal landscape. At Neece Law Firm, our attorneys are well-versed in North Carolina’s family laws and can help you navigate them to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. One key aspect of family law in North Carolina is child custody. The state’s child custody laws prioritize the child’s best interests when deciding custody arrangements. The court will consider factors such as the child’s relationship with each parent, age, and health, and each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s physical and emotional needs. There are many legal standards for parents to meet in a child custody example. Thankfully, our attorneys excel even when the bar set forth by legal requirements is high. Even in the most complex family matters, we will always find the most potent way to make your case.

Reach Out For A Streamlined Experience

At Neece Law Firm, we pride ourselves on providing personalized, compassionate, and effective legal representation. Our attorneys will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. Whether you’re facing a contentious divorce or a child custody dispute, we’re here to help you navigate the legal system and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. We understand that family law matters can be emotionally and financially draining. That’s why we’re here to make the process easy and stress-free. In addition to our legal expertise, we’ve also compiled a list of helpful contacts and resources to help you get started:

Contact Information To Get Started

  • Local Courthouse: Gaston County Courthouse, 325 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Gastonia, NC 28052, (704) 852-3100
  • Wikipedia Info on Dallas, NC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas,_North_Carolina
  • Hometown Counsel Law Office: 102 E Main Ave, Gastonia, NC 28052, (704) 862-0148

At Neece Law Firm, we’re committed to providing our clients with the highest level of legal representation and support. If you’re facing a family law matter in Dallas, NC, contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled attorneys. We’re here to help you achieve a favorable outcome in your case and move forward with confidence.

Family Lawyer Belmont, North Carolina

Neece Law Firm – Tyler Niblett, Esq.

Compassionate Client Care | Professional Excellence

Neece Law Firm’s reputable family lawyer Tyler Niblett provides honest advice and guidance to clients so they can move forward from a family law matters setback. 

A Family Law Matters Attorney Who Is Here To Help You

Family law matters attorney Tyler Niblett has provided excellent family law services to residents of Belmont, NC, since 2017. He and his firm are dedicated to helping clients navigate the complex legal system to find the best possible outcome for their unique situation.

As a family law matters attorney, Tyler has experience with:

  • Collaborative family law
  • Divorce
  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Property division
  • Adoption
  • Domestic violence
  • Mental health and substance abuse
  • Guardianships
  • Mediation

Tyler understands that family law matters can be difficult and emotional for those involved. Thus, he takes the time to get to know each of his clients and their individual needs so that he can provide the most effective legal representation possible.

Tyler strongly advocates for his clients and is committed to protecting their rights. He works closely with them to ensure their interests are considered when working through the court system. Holden also provides clear and understandable advice on the various aspects of family law so that his clients can make informed decisions about their future.

Divorce is never easy. You had dreams and made plans for your family’s future, but now they’re all being crushed. You will recover from this, but you will have to ask for help. So whether you are considering or have already filed, divorce lawyer Tyler Niblett is here to help you. As an experienced divorce lawyer, Holden understands that this is a challenging and emotional time for you and takes the time to listen to your needs. Holden will work with you to ensure that all legal aspects of your divorce are being taken care of efficiently. He will also provide sound advice on how to structure the terms of your divorce best so that both parties can come to an agreement that is fair for everyone involved.

A Property Division Attorney Who Cares

Property division can be a complicated legal process, and it’s vital to have an attorney who understands the law and how best to protect your rights. Holden has experience dealing with all aspects of property division, including real estate and investments. He will work with you to ensure your assets are being divided fairly and evenly.

A Child Support Attorney You Can Trust

Child support attorney Tyler Niblett is here to help when determining child custody and support arrangements. He knows how stressful this process can be for parents, and he will work with you to build a case that is in the best interest of your children. Tyler will also be sure that the court knows any special circumstances that may affect your case or the outcome.

An Attorney Who Will Enforce Child Support

Enforcing child support shouldn’t have to happen, but it does, and often. When enforcing child support, Tyler will work to ensure that you receive the funds you are due. He dedicates his time to ensuring your children’s needs are being met. Our firm will use all available legal resources to help make that happen. Holden also understands how important and sensitive this matter is for parents, so he takes the time to fully explain the enforcement process and what can be happen if the other party is not paying.

A Child Custody Attorney Who Considers The Family Unit

When it comes to child custody, attorney Tyler Niblett understands that what is best for the family unit should always be considered. Therefore, he will work with you and the other parent to ensure that the custody arrangement terms are in the children’s interests. A Grandparent Custody Lawyer On Your Side Holden will also make sure that both parents have access to all relevant information about their children so that they can make informed decisions about their future. He will also provide sound advice on the legal aspects of child custody so that all parties, parents, step-parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, can reach an agreement that works best for the kids.

Contact Attorney Tyler Niblett Today

If you are looking for a Family Law Matters Attorney In Belmont, NC, consider speaking with Tyler Niblett. He has experience dealing with all aspects of family law. He’s well-versed in divorce and property division to child custody and child support arrangements to adoptions. He is compassionate and understanding and will work with you to ensure your legal needs are being met and your rights are protected. For more information about how our Family Lawyer can assist in your case, an initial consultation is your next step. Call our Belmont, NC office today at (704) 862-0148.Phone

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